Thursday, May 27, 2010


I had today off work and it was gorgeous outside, so I decided to go for a drive and get my car washed....of course it will probably rain now that I did, but that is besides the point. The car wash I go to is across town (I go to that one because I have free lifetime car washes there!) and since I love to drive through town I went the long way and I loved it! I don't know why but driving is when I normally work out things in my head, think about things, or just relax. And today was a day that I just relaxed. I really don't have much in my life that I have had to stress about or think about or work out. There have been those days that I cried almost the whole time because I have had a lot going on either stuff with guys, friends, family, or just been so stressed that I don't feel better without driving around town. But today was definitely not one of those days. It was actually just what I needed to make my day that much better! Especially when I stopped and got a new non-fat, no-whip caramel frappuccino from Starbucks!!

1 comment:

  1. Right now would be a perfect time for a drive. :) I love it.
