Thursday, May 27, 2010

Can You Dance?

My sister and I used to take dance classes when we were younger, and sometime I really miss it!

The reason that I am bringing it up tonight is because my mom and I have watched So You Think You Can Dance and the new season has started tonight! Everytime that I watch this show it makes me want to take dance classes again! I know that I would be horrible I'm sure because I haven't taken classes since I was like 10.

Watching it tonight is also making me miss my mom. For all of you that don't know...I moved out of my parents house in February. Yes, I was 24 years old when I moved out....hey, its expense to live on your own and I definitely wanted to stay as long as possible! LOL! So I had to move out when my parents decide to move to the lake. Even though I talk to her everyday I still miss coming home to her cooking dinner and us watching tv in the living room together. My dad drives a semi so he is normally gone all week, so it was just Mom and me through the week. And I said he is normally gone all week because he is at home right now cuz he had shoulder surgery about two months ago and is off work for at least a couple more weeks.

1 comment:

  1. No. I cannot dance. Josh makes fun of me for it all the time. You should see my Michael Jackson, its hideous.
